Your EyeZ
Welcome to Your EyeZ
a smart eye wellness solution on all your screens.
App that helps to preserve your vision in the long term and reduce eyestrain.
Your EyeZ Features
Minimizes Eye Strain
Your EyeZ is a web app that takes care of your eyesight by guiding you through 4 daily pauses that last a few minutes. Access it via notifications or whenever you wish. All workouts are demonstrated through animations or images and are voice-spoken to reduce interaction with the screen
Wide range of exercises
Sets of recommended workouts are designed to provide overall wellbeing for vision, body and mind rejuvenation, promoting increased concentration and productivity. Choose the type of workout and the duration you wish to allocate to it

Security and Low interference
The Web App is not installed on the operating system, ensuring security for the user's data. No distractions from the daily routine. Can be connected up to 3 devices per account

Our pricing

Unique access plan
for 1 user/month
Get started
12 months plan
6 months plan

1 - 5


Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 15% per person
Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 5% per person

6 - 20


Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 21% per person
Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 17% per person

21 - 50


Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 33% per person
Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 31% per person

51 - 100


Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 53% per person
Starting from

per user/month
Saving up to 51% per person
Learn and understand healthy eye care tips in order to optimise your eyesight whilst working with screens
User friendly approach takes care of your eyesight, investing in your vision long term and maintaining it's youth
Satisfied and motivated staff, due to employers' investment in employees wellness
Prevents eyestrain
Preserves eyesight
Happier work environment
Increase the concentration, efficiency and productivity
On average a person will spend exercising with the app during a typical 8-hour working day
Avoids associated issues such as headaches, red eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, typing errors, premature aging ...
Increased concentration
Only 4 short breaks of few minutes per day
Avoids associated side effects
Your EyeZ unique benefits
Our clients
These are companies who have entrusted YourEyeZ solution

See us yourself